
Leading through Change

Healthy homebound mindset challenge – Day 10 – Final day

March 25, 2020 | By tlb_admin
Healthy homebound mindset challenge – Day 10 – Final day

Part I – Your Mindset

As we wrap up ten days of the HHMC, we have covered quite a bit of ground. Here’s a quick recap on our healthy mindset discussions:

  • Recognize that energy flows where focus goes and the draining impact of 24/7 media
  • Need for acceptance of new working norms, challenges, distractions of us and others
  • Use creativity & a silver lining focus to create a healthy distraction & be more productive
  • Manage the need to control by creating clear expectations and increasing connection
  • Realize the importance of celebrating wins to build and maintain productive momentum
  • Create new ways to build and improve connections that will lead to greater success
  • Rethink remote communications to ensure a professional leadership presence
  • Learn which emotional intelligence skills can provide us the most support right now
  • Practice active compassion by giving to others and reflecting on this impact to us all

We will all cycle in and out of many emotions as we continue through these uncertain times.  The change curve below shows the various emotional stages we are all experiencing.  The Kübler-Ross Change Curve is actually modeled from the cycle of grief which just shows how very challenging change can be.  Especially changes of the magnitude of a pandemic.

Where are you currently on this change curve? This may change daily or weekly and you may bounce around quite a bit.  There is no right path and recognizing we are all in various phases can be helpful in creating acceptance and understanding.

Your final mindset challenge is to determine where you currently are on the change cycle and reflect on what you learned that will help you maintain a healthy mindset.  Please share in the comments.

Part II – Giving to Others – The final giving to others challenge comes full circle to the most important person who can easily be overlooked – especially during crisis and crazy – YOU.  In the spirit of putting your oxygen mask on first, please take time to reflect on what you can give yourself that can serve you as an individual, leader, spouse, parent and the many other hats you wear.  For me, I plan to give myself good books, good food, new exercise routines, good wine, laughter with friends, permission to be pissed and moody, and the realization that I can appreciate time with my mini-family and still ask to be alone to recharge.